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Why DPF is recommended

Release time:2024-05-14Views:

一: DPF is widely used

DPF is the English abbreviation of Diesel Particulate Filter, which is the most popular exhaust gas treatment device in the current emission reduction market. DPF, which is equivalent to adding a mask to the exhaust system of diesel vehicles, is a device that reduces particulate matter PM in the exhaust by filtering and capturing particulate matter. It is a device that is discharged first and then collected.

: DPF can prevent pollution.

DPF is the abbreviation of Diesel Particulate Filter, which means Diesel Particulate Filter in Chinese. The DPF device is installed in the exhaust system of diesel vehicles. Its function is to capture particles through a surface and internal mixed filter device, such as diffusion sedimentation, inertial sedimentation or linear interception, which can effectively purify 70% ~ 90% of the particles in the exhaust. , is one of the most effective and direct methods to purify diesel particulate matter-, simply put, it is a device that reduces particulate matter (PM) in exhaust gas through filtration.

Diesel Particulate Filters DPF capture particles by means of surface and internal mixing filters, such as diffusive sedimentation, inertial sedimentation or linear interception. DPF can effectively purify 70% to 90% of the particles in the exhaust gas. It is one of the most effective and direct methods to purify diesel particulate matter and has been commercialized internationally.

: DPF is blocked and needs to be regenerated.

Although DPF can filter most of the particles, the filter also involves regeneration during the working process. What is regeneration? For example, particles will accumulate in the filter, resulting in an increase in the exhaust back pressure of the diesel engine. When the exhaust back pressure exceeds a certain value, the operation of the diesel engine begins to deteriorate significantly, resulting in the reduction of engine power and economic performance. It must be timely. Remove the deposited particles and restore the filter to its original working state, which is what we call "regeneration".

: DPF post-processor has high requirements for oil products

It is necessary to add low-sulfur diesel oil (sulfur content less than 10ppm) that meets the national V emission regulations to prevent poisoning and blockage of the post-processor; at the same time, in order to prolong the ash cleaning mileage of the post-processor; it is recommended to use CJ-4 grade and above grade oil.

The ash content of the lubricating oil will have a greater impact on the DPF, and if the ash content of the lubricating oil will be more likely to cause the DPF to block. Lubricating oil ash: is the residue (non-combustible) left after the oil is completely burned

(If the diesel quality is poor, it is easy to cause DPF poisoning, blockage, etc., so it is necessary to use fuel that meets the specifications)

: When does DPF regenerate

1) Mileage triggers regeneration (DPF regeneration is triggered when a certain mileage is reached.)

2) DPF differential pressure signal triggers regeneration (exhaust pressure differential is detected by differential pressure sensor, and regeneration is triggered when it reaches a certain value) 3) Carbon loading triggers regeneration (carbon loading is calculated through the ECU internal data model, through this value regeneration)

3) We see that passive regeneration is used when the carbon load is less than 18g, the engine is running normally, and the instrument has no obvious abnormality at this time.

When the carbon load is greater than 18g and less than 30g, active regeneration is adopted, the engine is running normally, the outlet temperature of the exhaust gas treatment system is higher than the normal range, and the high exhaust temperature lamp is continuously on.

Tip: At this time, keep away from flammable materials near the exhaust port!

4) When the carbon load is greater than 30g and less than 40g, the driver's regeneration is adopted, that is, the driver's manual regeneration. When passive regeneration conditions are reached.

The particle trap light is always on

In-situ regeneration is available; at this time, the driver needs to provide the opportunity to regenerate, change the engine load, and start the in-situ regeneration.

When the carbon load is greater than 40g and less than 45g, the service station needs to be regenerated to achieve passive regeneration conditions, and in-situ regeneration is available. In this case, the particle trap light is always on.

Engine fault light is always on

If the engine is severely de-torque, the system will report DPF blockage related trouble codes. In-situ regeneration must be performed at this point.

When the carbon loading is greater than 45g, the DPF needs to be treated. At this time, shutdown is required, active regeneration is unavailable, and passive regeneration is unavailable. Stop indicator lights up

Seriously lower torque, you need to seek service support at this time.

: How DPF regenerates:

Use external energy to increase the temperature in the trap to make the particles ignite and burn. When the temperature in the trap reaches 550 °C, the deposited particles will oxidize and burn. If the temperature does not reach 550 °C, too much sediment will If the trap is blocked, an external energy source (such as an electric heater, a burner, or a change in engine operating conditions) is required to raise the temperature in the DPF to oxidatively combust the particulate matter.

DPF passive regeneration: use fuel additives or catalysts to reduce the ignition temperature of the particles, so that the particles can ignite and burn at the normal diesel exhaust temperature. The additives (cerium, iron and strontium) should be added to the fuel in a certain proportion. Too much will affect the life of the DOC, but too little will result in delayed regeneration or increased regeneration temperature.

When the active and passive regeneration of the vehicle cannot be achieved, active regeneration is required
